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Everything old is new againDoes your concrete pool need a facelift?It happens to the best of us. A fine line here, a bit of discolouration there,... Read...

Life of the party Sometimes all you want from life is to kick back with a cool drink, while the delicious aromas of barbecue waft by…enjoying the... Read...

Made in the shade Umbrellas and shade structures Take a break from the heat with these shady ideas. There’s no denying the Australian sun can be... Read...

The year is 2022. The world is finally coming up for air after two of the most disruptive years in living memory. Households are feeling the pinch... Read...

What is the best way to make a pool safe for dogs? It's a common question that any pool+pooch owner should ask at one point or another. One of... Read...

Anyone who has owned a dog knows just how quickly they become part of the family. Like your very own panting, furry little child. And just like any... Read...

There are several reasons to renovate your pool. For one, you might be looking to update the look of your pool to make it look fresh. Secondly, you... Read...

Summer is just around the corner and before you know it you'll be looking out your window and asking yourself why you don't have a... Read...

Pool trends have changed significantly since the humble beginnings of the swimming pool. What was once a simple basin of water for bathing in has... Read...

Interested in installing an inground spa in your home? Great news! No doubt you'll have a few questions on your mind before pulling the... Read...

Spas are a brilliant way to unwind at home, as they create a relaxing aura and can be used all year round, even in the depths of winter! But did... Read...

The days are getting longer, the garden is doused in sunshine rather than rain, and that pool that's seen fairly little use recently is... Read...

Written by Poolonomics; a blog that helps pool and spa owners spend more time enjoying a soak, and less time managing it. Summer is coming, and... Read...

Q: When landscaping our backyard, we specifically chose trees and shrubs that wouldn’t fill the pool with leaves and sticks. My wife thinks we need... Read...

Water workout routines Want to save on the gym membership this spring or simply shed a few unwanted kilos before the festive season starts? These... Read...

With inflation at an all time high and food prices still on the rise, it’s a great time to plant your own edible garden. We’re all keen to do what... Read...

Streamline sanitisation with an automated systemWater management can be a bit hit and miss. Get rid of the guesswork with an automated sanitisation... Read...

How a variable speed pool pump will save you While it may not be the most exciting piece of pool equipment, the humble pump is the workhouse of... Read...
Other Articles
Like everything else, pool ownership involves a fair bit of tech these days, and it might not always run smoothly. There’s often a simple solution... Read...
No need for your pool to fade away when the sun goes down. Make a feature of your investment with a dramatic lighting installation. Pools have come... Read...
Diving in to water yogaIf you’re looking for a refreshing and rejuvenating way to enhance your physical and mental well-being, water yoga might be... Read...
Written by Poolonomics; a blog that helps pool and spa owners spend more time enjoying a soak, and less time managing it. Summer is coming, and... Read...